The Relief Care Committee is a sub-committee under the Guiding Hands Support Group.

The purpose of the Relief Care Committee is to provide a support system for families of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations (NRC) and Reformed Congregation of North America (RCNA) communities who are in need of a relief care home for their child(ren).  The length of time children would be in a relief care home will be determined on an individual basis in consultation with the parents and the relief care home family.

The relief care homes can be used for various situations, such as:

  • The hospitalization of a parent or child and the family is not able to care for other children in the family.
  • A parent needing relief care for their child(ren) for a limited time due to depression or other circumstances.
  • A child who needs some time away from the home environment due to struggles within the family.
  • Parents who are in need of occasional, short term respite care for their child(ren).

Committee Members:
Fred & Diane Neels
Mike & Clara Klaassen
Sjaane Heikoop
Martha Heyboer

For more information, or to request relief care, please contact us at

Relief Care Documents & Forms: